“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, you do better.”
-Maya Angelou
College graduations are just around the corner, and that means the job hunt has most likely commenced for many future music and performing arts educators around the country. Some of the lucky ones may have experience teaching a band camp or two, but it is important to remember that heading up your first band program is something that can be overwhelming at times. There are a plethora of resources out there, and a simple Google search will pull up at least a dozen links. There seems to be more and more media floating about than ever before, and we know it all can seem too much. Here are a few sites that might be of interest to our customers:
MARCHING.COM is a one-stop source of marching events, links, resources, news and photos. Find details of major parade and field competitions, links to marching bands on the net, and a directory of services and supplies for your marching band, color guard or drum line.
Winter Guard International is the world's premier organization producing indoor color guard and percussion ensemble competitions. As a non-profit youth organization, WGI serves as the leading governing body of the winter guard and indoor percussion activities. The staff at WGI has written and produced some great articles and videos that cover a wide range of topics important to developing instructors. Color Guard people might want to look here, while Percussion people might want to check out this link.
ColorGuardEducators.com was started in January 2007 as a resource and community for color guard educators: designers, coaches, choreographers, directors, judges, parents, and student leaders who are dedicated to providing the best possible experiences for their performers.
Micro Marching League (MML) lets marching fans design their own shows and
Band Shoppe also carries a full selection of educational DVD videos, and later this spring/summer we will be adding several more titles to the collection.
Do you have any favorite resources? Share them below in the comments section!